Our solutions

La première solution


It’s an indispensable tool for improving and optimizing your business hardware and infrastructure.

It’s also an opportunity to validate internal and external processes, with the aim of increasing your productivity.

It allows us to validate good practices and tools, but also to identify missing equipment, equipment that needs to be improved, or equipment that needs to be replaced.

The audit will provide an opportunity to take stock of safety systems, as well as risk and control management.

En d'autres termes, toutes les failles seront identifiées !


La deuxième solution

Valoriser l'existant de votre infrastructure

We know that your current equipment required a certain initial investment!

So it’s imperative that you get a ROI (return on investment)!

We can look into the possibility of taking back your equipment so that it can be put to good use when it is replaced, for example.

We can also offer you a net-value buy-back of all or part of your equipment, or lease refinancing to help smooth out your investment.

Cette offre nommé "leaseback" peut être perçue si elle est associée à l'acquisition de nouveaux matériels ou de compléments.

A propos de nous
La troisième solution

Location ou Achat de matériel

If you wish, you can acquire new equipment on a hire-purchase basis, allowing you to conserve some of your cash for other needs.

At the end of the lease, you have the choice of either buying the equipment back, or renewing it with a net value bonus.

En tant qu'intégrateur, nous sommes en relation avec les constructeurs et les éditeurs de solutions informatiques.

Cette vision panoramique du marché nous permettra de trouver de manière neutre les équipements adaptés à votre besoin, les personnaliser ou les réaliser sur-mesure selon les cas.

Whether it’s hardware or software, we’re here to help you use the best, support you and boost your productivity!

La quatrième solution

Veille technologique et évolutivité

We keep abreast of innovative technologies, new safety features, trends and future improvements, so that we can provide you with the best possible solution.

To help you react quickly to change and limit its impact, we’ll be there to advise and guide you, so that you can act according to your objectives.

La cinquième solution

Sécurité et Performance

A company needs to store a large volume of data, and it’s vital to secure it. Each of today’s threats can have far-reaching consequences.

We’ll help you set up efficient tools that won’t create waiting times, and that will boost the overall performance of your equipment.

La sixième solution

Uniformisation et Mobilité

We’ll help you set up or update your equipment and the corresponding accesses, to avoid incompatibility risks and performance losses.

Standardized access will be created to make access to the various applications by your employees or customers simpler and more secure.

La septième solution

Continuité et Maintenance

Nous proposerons une maintenance régulière et afin d'éviter et de prévenir des pannes ou des interventions de dernières minutes qui coûtent très chère dans l'entreprise.

La huitième solution


Les différentes étapes de l'intégration

Our mastery of technologies and our expertise in systems and networks will enable you to develop your business with peace of mind.